The major reasons why men pull out of relationships are;
1. Efforts don’t match:
Effort in relationships does not have to be the same in value, it just has to be significant enough to count. You’ve just gotta give back. If not, the relationship will look pretty one-sided and resentment will start to build.
2. You’re not supportive:
You should always let your man know that you’re riding for him, If your words and actions rarely show support or any interest in the things he holds dear, he might start to feel that you really do not care about him.
3. Cheating:
Men are notorious for finding it difficult to deal with a woman who cheats on them. No one does, but men have a notoriety for being more intolerant to it.
4. Difference in sex drive:
It will affect the relationship and it won’t be long before the man gets fed up. If the woman has higher sex drive, or if he has a higher sex drive, something’s going to get terribly wrong as some point. This is why it is better to always have that conversation about sexual compatibility early enough.
5. Disrespect:
Nothing makes a man fed up more than constant disrespect. Being belittled, being made to feel like nothing, having his importance questioned and being made to feel like his presence doesn’t count for much.